Paper Studio
Our paper studio is getting closer to completion. With wonderful financial help from Grafill a waterproof floor has recently been installed. The studio will be completed in May and ready for upcoming workshops and incoming artists.
Our paper studio has a fiber cooking area, along with a dye studio. The studio accommodates our 1 kilo stainless steel Reina beater, our 18"x 24" hydraulic press, an 18"x 24" stack dryer, storage for our two professional Japanese nagashizuki moulds, 24"x 36" and 19" x 14" European laid moulds, 3 professional Indo-Islamic moulds, 1 Korean mould; along with dry storage for our fibers.
Each mould type, except the Korean has 12 student-grade versions for our workshops. We also have 36 Nepalese moulds.
Indo-Islamicate moulds:
13.5" x 16.5" or 34.2 x 42cm
12" x 15.5" or 31.2 x 39.2cm
13.75" x 15" or 35 x 38cm
15" x 9.5" or 38.5 x 24cm (portrait, chain lines running parallel to length)
European moulds:
24" x 36" or 61 x 91cm, laid mould
14" x 11.8" or 35.5 x 30cm, laid mould
11.8" x 8" or 30 x 20.5cm, acrylic wove mesh
8" x 9" or 29 x 22.5cm, deckle box
11.5" x 8" or 29.5cm x 21 cm, wove moulds
Nepalese moulds
15" x 18" or 38 x 46.5cm